Sunday 6 March 2011

“The worst kind of non-smokers are the ones that come up to you and cough. That's pretty fucking cruel isn't it? Do you go up to cripples and dance too?” -Bill Hicks

As a smoker, I will have to disagree with this analogy. It's pretty fucking ridiculous. Smokers choose to smoke, for whatever good (ironically...) reason, cripples don't necessarily choose to be crippled. If you think it's cruel for someone to cough beside you while you're smoking, it implies you know your lungs are filled with tar and your bronci are as functional as rusty pipes from the 30s, and here you have someone mocking you for it. Honestly, most smokers just don't care. So shut it, it's not cruel.
If anything at all, it's rude and just plain stupid of non-smokers. There are designated smoking areas, where it is permitted to intoxicate your lungs with deadly fumes, where sensitive non-smokers should not appear if they're going to be whining and complaining about the dangers of second hand smoke.

The US Government declared 2nd hand smoking not lethal in 1998.

If you're an annoying smoker-mocker, just follow these few rules which will help you not get punched by a Marlboro fan group,

1. Don't hang around smoking areas. I mean, really? If tar-filled fumes make you become an irritating little bastard, just stay in your own space.

2. Do not ask the smoker to move away with their cigarette because you're overly sensitive, if they were there first. That's just plain rude. There's plenty of other smoke-free space around.

3. Shut your gob. Seriously, if you do not enjoy getting your face planted in a cloud of nicotarbac fumes, it's easy enough to avoid these places.

The majority of smokers will feel guilty smoking around healthy lungs. They will move away to their place, like dogs, to avoid getting dirty looks from non-smokers.
Unless they're Neg, the Urban Sports god.
But that's different.


  1. Domi my love.. i dont know how much you smoke but from the looks of this post it seems like ur addcited! naughty naughty ;] ily tho! and i cant wait to smoke with youuuuuuu <33
    when i see you. which better fucking be SOON!!!

  2. i need more updates from you baby!! i try to write something everyday, even if it's one sentence with a picture!! thats what keeps people coming back ;) updates! dont give up on me baby <3 <3 <3
    also a propo this post, the 1 thing that bothers me about smokers is smoking on the street. like, youre walking and someone in front of you starts smking a ciggarette, they exhale and you take in the fumes!! ;// i wont say no to a cig on a night out, but in the day when im rushing to uni or back? no thanks! a cig is only good when i feel the need for one, thanks! what do you think about that? ;D ;D ;D love you!!! xxxxxxx
